Wood therapy is an effective massage technique using wooden tools to move blood flow to desired parts of the body for appearance, help drain the lymphatic system, and some have noticed reduced effects of cellulite.
The great benefits from wood therapy have brought in a surge of newcomers, primarily using wood therapy tools in the comfort of their own home.
But it is important to remember that to get the most effective results with wood therapy tools, it is a must that you use them correctly.
How To Use Wood Therapy Tools
Wood therapy can be done with a variety of tools, so the proper way to use each tool will be slightly different.
Also, the key to great results is consistent use, ideally 3-4x per week.

Wood Stick Rollers - Start by applying a fair amount of massage oil before starting, the oil will be used to help the wood rollers glide across your skin.
After the oil is applied, grab both handles of the cubed roller and begin rolling in the desired direction.
Popular movements include moving blood flow toward the glutes and thighs. As well as rolling away from the chest, hips, and arms.
Roll with mild to moderate pressure, loosely moving the tool on the desired area for roughly 10 minutes, or until you start to feel the movement of blood or the effects of lymphatic drainage.
Wood Cups - Start by applying a fair amount of massage oil before starting, the oil will be used to help the wood cup glide across your skin.
After the oil is applied, grab the handle of the cup and begin moving blood flow toward your desired area.
Popular movements include moving blood flow toward the glutes and thighs. As well as moving away from the chest, hips, and arms.
Massage with a mild to moderate pressure, moving the tool for roughly 10 minutes, or until you start to feel the movement of blood or the effects of lymphatic drainage.
Wood Sculpting Tools - Start by applying a fair amount of massage oil before starting, the oil will be used to help the wood glide across your skin.
After the oil is applied, hold the front side of the tool and use the backside to apply pressure to the desired area.
Popular movements include moving blood flow toward the glutes and thighs. As well as moving away from the chest, hips, and arms.
Massage with a mild to moderate pressure, moving the tool for roughly 10 minutes, or until you start to feel the movement of blood or the effects of lymphatic drainage.
The Summary
- Wood therapy is an effective massage technique to increase blood flow for a variety of benefits.
- It is important to remember that if you want effective results with wood therapy tools, you must use the tools correctly.
- There are a variety of wood therapy tools that are used in different ways, so understanding how to use your specific tool is best.